Thursday, April 29, 2010

昙花一现A flash in the night-Epiphyllum

My memory of Epiphyllum was very long ago. It belongs to cactus species. It only blooms at night, and for one night only. We stayed until midnight just to see it fully bloomed. The next morning, it withered and fell.

A church lady passed away at the age of around 57 two nights ago, sudden death. I believe no one knew what happened exactly. She was a lone ranger, and not the sociable type, though not unfriendly. She stayed alone with her pet dog. Seeing that she usually sat on the bench alone after Sunday service, i sometimes talked to her but just social chat.

It is a strange feeling that some one sitting next to you in the church on Sunday could be cremated and became non-existence in the world a few days later. What if the person is some one dear to you in your life? Life, can somehow be expected to end this way which occur unexpectedly.

We can't prepare others for our death, but at least we can decide how we want to live our lifes。

Saturday, April 17, 2010

My Garden

My garden. Photos will follow.