Friday, March 16, 2012

See Who Can't tahan

Hubby and son had used up the toothpaste. The tube was already flattened. I use Sensodyne. I was curious why no one had taken the move to get a new one from the drawer just a few steps away. When I asked, hubby said, 'see who can't tahan.' After having said that, son went into the bathroom and came out with the empty tube to show me. 'Why no one takes a new one?', I said, 'your father said who can't tahan. If you can't, get a new one then.'. He smiled and replaced with a new one.
We both laughed. Sometimes men are so lazy. I can't tahan the dirt on the floor. That's why I am always the one who mop the floor, clean the kitchen, so on and so forth.

SNN Symptom

Get tired so often. I think due to age.
Hubby said,'You have developed SNN symptom.'
I asked, 'What is SNN?'
He said,'Sao Nai Nai, sleep whenever you want.'
I replied, 'I don't go shopping, I don't go to hair saloon and I don't play mah jiong'
He teased me,'Because you don't have money to do all these'
I said,'Work harder, make more money so that I can live like a real SNN.'

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Overcharge by Permai Polyclinics

Auntie in Tenom gave me some chicken feet already nicely deep fried. What I needed to do to make it a delicious stewed chicken feet and mushroom was very simple. Just soaked some chinese mushroom and stewed with the chicken feet with garlic, soysauce and other spices. It was superb! However, my two sons didn't seem to be very interested. On Thursday, hubby went outstation. The leftover became my lunch and dinner.

On the same night around 3am, I woke up with itchy left foot and left hand. Like before, my first suspicion was mosquitoes. I turned on the light and ready with Shieldtox to fight with the intruder. After searching for a while with no mosquito on sight, I looked at my foot and my hand and found no sign of mosquito bites. I went back to bed until the next morning.

On Friday night after dinner, the itchiness came back. Now with more rashes all over my body. My brother said it must be due to food allergy. Guess I ate too much chinese mushroom.

Since it was already 10pm, all the pharmacy shops were closed. I had no choice but looked for a 24-hour clinic. I finally found one in Lintas Plaza. It was Permai Polyclinics. The doctor in charged insisted an injection was necessary to stop the itchiness even though I told him I preferred to take medication. 3 years ago I had more severe allergy due to insect bites. The skin specialist didn't give me injection but medication and cream to apply.

Sitting in front of the doctor, I didn't seem to have a choice but to follow his instruction. Even though the the jab eased the itchiness very quickly, the bill gave me heart pain!

The total bill was RM112!!! Consultation RM30, Injection RM40 (with 2 medicines), Dyna Calamine Lotion RM12, 10 tablets of Predinisolone 5 mg RM20 and 10 tablets of ucb zyrtec Cetirizine Hydrochloride 10mg RM20.

Can you believe how the clinic charged me for the medication? I just wonder whether there is a system for us as consumer to report over charge by the doctor. Living in Malaysia, we don't seem to have a way to fight for our right. Inflation is hitting me really hard. I am not happy because certain people are abusing their charges. Who are suffering? People like me who don't earn high enough to shoulder the inflation.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Medical Insurance - Points to Note

Most people will assume that their hospitalization expenses are taken care of after signing the dots on their proposal form. Policy documents are put away without first reading the terms and conditions in it. When comes the time to make claim, some are disappointed, leading to finger pointing at insurance agents......

The following reminder is an extract from which I find important for consumers shopping for a medical hospitalization insurance policy.

1)Buy according to needs and budget
Lower premiums will have lower claim limits, and the amount covered is commensurate with the premiums you pay. Understand what your needs are and how much you can afford to put aside regularly. It also pays to shop around and look at policies from various companies, as these will differ in coverage, benefits and costs.

2)Full disclosure of information
Do not hide anything about your medical history. Some will even ask about immediate family members,. You should never lie, as it can and will result iin claims not being paid.

3)Fully understand your policy
Ask your agent for more information about the policy you want to buy, and do not be shy about it. Understand what the terms and conditions are, as well as the scope of cover provided. You should at least be aware:
i.What is covered (limits of benefits provided)
ii.What is not covered (for example: investigative admission, prosthetic limbs)
iii.Period of cover (if policy renewal is guaranteed after a claim)
iv.Waiting period (the amount of time before you can make the first claim)
v.Annual and lifetime limits
vi.Co-insurance (cost-sharing between insured and insurer)
vii.The amount of premiums to pay (static or increases with age)

4)Be aware of exclusions
There will be a list of conditions and illnesses where claims cannot be made.

5)15 days free-look period
Once you receive the policy documentation, read through it thoroughly and see if you are agreeable to it. If you are not, you can return the policy within 15 days and receive a full refund of premiums (certain costs may be deducted)

6)Claims procedure
Always check with the insurance agent or company before undergoing treatment. They can advise which are their panel clinics, and what you are entitled to. In the case of emergencies nd treatment is sought at a non-panel facility, the insured usually has to pay for it firs, and will be re-imbursed later.

7)Buy additional riders
If required, you can buy extra coverage on your policy (for example, overseas treatment of waiver of the annual limit).

8)Review policy annually
The cost of medical care increases every year. It is prudent to regularly check if the existing coverage meets current costs.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Finding out your spending habit

When ask the percentage of income an individual spend on food, transportation, house, children, etc., most will show a blind face.

It is always good to start off our financial planning by finding out where we spend our money. Do consider using a spreadsheet.

On the first left column, list down the category. My broad categories are Food, Transportation, Children, Books, Clothing, Utilities, Insurance, Entertainment and Donation+Offering.

You can further break down the broad category into smaller categories such as food at home and eating out.

As for the first row, put date. The last column would be total. From here you get to work out the total amount you spend on each category. After 2 to 3 months, you will be able to find out your spending pattern.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Financial Planning Concept

I learned my first planning lesson in Form 3 of home science classes. Mrs.Karim was our cookery class teacher while Mrs.Kok taught us sewing. I picked up valuable ideas and skills from them. In the home science exam, we were supposed to cook for a meal.

The meal consisted of 3 dishes and a soup for a meal. Below were the things we needed to write down.

1. Decide what to cook and which to cook first(set the goal and set priority),
2. Write down recipes and check if you have the ingredients (gather relevant data and information),
3. work out a time schedule for each step to follow. Estimate time taken for each step. (Analyze info and develop the process for implementation.)
4. Cook according to what were written down. (execute the plan)
5. Constantly check to ensure stewed meat does not dry up, etc., until completion. (Monitor and review)

In upper form, in order to carry out any experiment, the same procedure will follow. Similarly, in financial planning, the logical way to follow is
1. Determine what i want to achieve financially and prioritize them
2. Arrange, file up, and put on paper what are the resources and liabilities i have, e.g. how much money i have in the bank, invested in shares or unit trust, loans etc.
3. Analyze the assets and liabilities and the income sources
4. Detail and write down the financial problems I have and the solutions that I can have
5. Implement steps to solve my problems and to achieve my financial goals
6. Check and adjust the implementation to ensure problems are solved and goals can be achieve.

It is easy to say than to implement. Get a financial planner to advise you.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Rules to follow in family financial Planning

Have a budget. Plan your budget with care and make sure you adhere to your financial goals.

Pay yourself first! Every month, set aside at least 10% of your income as savings. Place these savings in a separate bank account and choose not to have the ATM card facility.

Make savings a way of life: Begin saving TODAY. Know the concept of compound interest.

Make savings a way of life: Provide an emergency fund, ideally at 6 times of monthly expenses.

Make savings a way of life: Allocate your savings for retirement fund, but most importantly - Live Within Your Means.

Loans & Credits:

Loans & Credits: Know the purpose of your loan and repayment capabilities; and, be aware of the terms and conditions of the loans.

Loans & Credits: Know the effective interest rate on your loans; and, keep payments within 40% of gross monthly salary.

Loans & Credits: Always be a good paymaster so you have a positive credit report; and, NEVER borrow from unlicensed money lenders.

Signs that you need financial advice:
You only pay the minimum amount every month for your credit card.

You take frequent cash advances.

You have little or no savings.

You depend on overtime or bonuses to pay your living expenses.

You consistently pay your bills late.

You borrow money from family or friends to pay your debts.

Financial Basics:
Make and stick to a budget.

Save at least 10% of your monthly salary.

Track your expenses and cash flow.

Live within your means.

Spend wisely, learn to differentiate between needs and wants.

Delay gratification.

Have an emergency buffer fund of 6 months of your total expenses.

Managing debt better:

Borrow or take loans only for productive purposes.

Ensure that you can pay the installments comfortably.

As a guide, your monthly loan repayments should not exceed 40% of your gross monthly income.

Adhere to the repayment schedule to avoid unnecessary charges.

Use surplus fund or extra income to reduce your total debts.

Building Wealth:
In order to build wealth, start saving early.

You need to ensure you have a positive net worth (asset - liabilities).

Diversify your investments in order to spread your risks.

The higher the return you get from an, investment, the greater the risk.

Be wary of get-rich-quick schemes.

Tips on using credit cards:

Limit the number of credit cards you have to just two.

Do not use a credit card if you cannot make the monthly payments.

Avoid using credit card to get cash advances.

Always check your credit card monthly statement to ensure there are no irregularities.